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Scottish Inventions and Theatre Group Bullying

Last Thursday most of us hopped on a bus headed for the university. We were taking part in the Marathon Oil Learning Festival, and our workshop was run by local author and poet, Sheena Blackhall. She told us all about famous Scottish inventors and inventions. When we heard about John Logie Baird inventing the television, we had to pretend to be part of a machine. We also found out about the telephone and Alexander Graham Bell. Did you know that the MRI scanner was invented in Aberdeen? We didn’t until last week. Andrew and Anthony really enjoyed being robots. Others liked doing a copying game when we heard about Dolly the sheep. Thanks, Sheena, we had a great time!

Yesterday we had a visit from an amazing and fantastic theatre company. They presented an awesome story about bullying. It was great fun, but really made us think about lots of things. It was the best way anyone has explained to us about bullying.