
Keeping active at home

Keeping active is especially important when we are home during this time.  

Joe Wicks is providing daily workouts at 


Looking after our Mental Health is just as important as our Physical Health.

Hands On Scotland have produced a brilliant website about where to go for help and things to look out for in those around us.

Hands On Scotland

As you know, this year the school retained its GOLD status for sport.  One of the principal aims of the Health Group is to ensure that the school maintains and extends its participation and achievement within sport.  The Active Schools board posts information about groups and clubs.  Wendy Carrick is our Active Schools Coordinator.

The Health Group works towards the GIRFEC (Getting It Right For Every Child) agenda by promoting the SHANARRI (Safe-Happy-Active-Nurtured-Achieving-Responsible-Respected-Included) indicators into everything that the school does. Here are the main objectives for the group this year.

The older pupils are  creating a School Travel Plan (STP) to ensure that the infrastructure in and around the school is safe and appropriate for our pupils and the wider community. This is a significant task that requires auditing the school grounds and local area, collating travel statistics and discussing road safety.  Additionally, a team of Junior Road Safety Officers was created, led by four P6 children.  The aim of the team is to promote road safety and teach others in a fun and interactive way.  They have recently taken part in a training session where they learnt some magic tricks with a road safety focus.  They are looking forward to showing the magic to the rest of the children!

A selection of pupils from the Health Group have been working on promoting clubs within the school.  They have created posters to encourage 100% attendance in school clubs.  Alongside this, they have gathered data about our various clubs and displayed it in graph form, so that other children can see our most popular school sports. We continue to promote participation in sports so that every pupil is active and healthy – this also helps to maintain our GOLD status for the Sport Scotland Award.

Table manners and healthy eating are always central within the school community and part of the Health Group’s agenda is to promote both of these.  Healthy eating superheroes have been created and are now seen on posters around the school to encourage others to bring in healthy snacks.  Moving forward, the group will begin to look at table manners and how we can make lunchtimes a pleasant time for all!