Digital Technologies


Tonight our budding new coders have been introduced to Scratch and have created their own Rock Bands!  Those who have been with us for a couple of years are now advanced enough to have started creating their own games and animations. We are full of amazing ideas for the next term, I’m just not sure we’ll have time to do them all!


























Tiling on the I-pad

P3 have been using the iPads to reinforce their numeracy lessons.  They were using the pattern shapes app and managed to create some fabulous tiled designs and pictures.























Scottish Poetry – Tellagami App

Primary 3C/H were introduced to the Tellagami app today. In pairs they created their own digital character then took a background photo of some Scottish art work they had painted. Once this was done they recorded themselves reciting a Robert Burns poem they have learned this week.  Putting this all together they created these fun movie clips. We think for a quick introduction lesson they’ve done very well. Go primary 3!




Interactive French

Primary 4H are using the Interactive Whiteboard to reinforce their French lessons.  They’ve been playing games with each other and sharing their learning to complete the french games 












Christmas in 3D

Today Primary 6 made Christmas come alive! Using the app Quiver they were able to create 3D images of their christmas trees and brought Santa into the classroom.


French on Education city.












Primary 4G using digital technologies to reinforce their french lessons. They have been learning colours in French by enjoying playground games and class bingo! If they finish their work throughout the day they can log on to Education City and practise their new words. Quelle est ta couleur preferee?




New Acceptable Use Policy is introduced.
Our digital leaders have spent some time developing an updated Acceptable Use Policy and this week they have shared it with their classes. Every pupil in P4-7 has signed the document and talked about the need for the policy and the importance of e-safety.

Here are some of our digital leaders talking to their classes about the Acceptable Use Policy today.



















Digital Leaders – Training 

Today the Digital Leaders were given a brief recap about Online Safety and the importance of this within the school environment and beyond.  They then completed a quiz and discussed the results as a group. Finally we had a look at the Digital Leaders notice board and agreed on what information we need to add to it.



For next week we will create a rota of jobs for digital leaders and mount photographs on the board so people know who we are.










We are delighted to announce our new digital leaders for this session. After completing a written application to Mrs Gordon & Ms McFadyen the pupils were selected for their interest in Digital Technologies, their willingness to look after the technologies equipment, help others and their understanding of online safety.

P7 Marwan, Hashir, Thomas

P6/7 Aistis, Lauren, Freya

P6 Will, Leighton

P5M Heather, Chloe

P5B Oscar, Anna

P4G Aaron, Sophie

P4H Ellie, Erin




Primary 3 

This week in digital technology Primary 3C have been learning all about coding. They have coded a classmate, and used the iPads to code Daisy Dinosaur.





















The technologies framework provides a range of different contexts for learning that draw on important aspects of everyday life and work. In Hazlehead School this includes creative, practical and work-related experiences and outcomes in computing science, food, textiles, craft, design, engineering, graphics and applied technologies.

In December 2016 Aberdeen City Council have upgraded our  IT equipment by replacing all our classroom computers with new laptops. They have also renewed two complete sets of 16 laptop buses and provided a class set of Chrome books. The pupils also have access to I-pads to enhance their learning experiences.

Learning in the technologies enables a child to: • develop an understanding of the role and impact of technologies in changing and influencing societies • contribute to building a better world by taking responsible, ethical actions to improve their life, the lives of others and the environment • gain the confidence and skills to embrace and use technologies now and in the future, at home, at work and in the wider community • become an informed consumer and producer who has an appreciation of the merits and impacts of products and services • be capable of making reasoned choices relating to the environment, sustainable development and ethical, economic and cultural issues • broaden their understanding of the role that information and communications technology (ICT) has in Scotland and in the global community • broaden their awareness of how ideas in mathematics and science are used in engineering and the technologies • experience work-related learning, and establish firm foundations for lifelong learning, and specialised study and careers.

It is important to remember that as children and young people play and learn they will develop an interest, confidence and enjoyment in digital skills that can be transferred and applied in different learning contexts.