Litter And Waste – Focus 1


Focus 1 – Investigate litter and dog fouling around the school – what does the picture look like for Hazlehead?



Tacking Dog Poo in Our Community

Mrs Will and some of the P3P pupils from the Community Group met with the Litter And Waste group to tell them about their involvement with “Scoopwatch.”  This is a campaign in Aberdeen to reduce the amount of dog fouling.  Mrs Will and P3P will be monitoring the amount of dog waste in the local community over a 4 week period and will give their results back to Aberdeen City Council

They are planning on creating free dog bag dispensers using recycled materials to hang around the community.  As this is one of Litter & Waste’s targets, Litter & Waste are going to work with Mrs. Will and P3P to create eye catching, informative posters to hang with the containers. P3P will then monitor it over a period of time to see if our combined action has made a difference.

Dog Fouling Campaign

Litter and Waste did their own research on the problem with dog mess and were really surprised at what they found.  For example, did you know:

  • that there are 640,000 dogs in Scotland which produce 240 tonnes of dog poo EVERY DAY!  That’s the equivalent of the weight of a house, the heaviest blue whale ever, an aeroplane and even the Statue of Liberty!
  • that dog poo can contain an infection called TOXOCARA that can lead to blindness for humans?

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We have created posters and filled holders with poo bags and set them up around the area.

Our Posters –

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Our Poo bag holders

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Scoop Watch In The News…!

Focus 1 – What does litter look like in our school?


We became litter detectives and went around our school grounds, including boundary fences, to see what the picture of litter looked like.  We were amazed by what we found.  We didn’t think that our school lots of litter, but on closer inspection, we realised that there are quite a few hot spots.

We collected 1 ½ bags of litter and identified a real problem area outside the school grounds near the entrance which we will be tackling in due course.

We thought about the best way to share our findings with the school so we put together an assembly to highlight the problem and offer solutions.  We decided to show our school value of courage and deliver the assembly LIVE!  While there were some technical difficulties, it went really well and the feedback we got from the classes was really positive.

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These are the YouTube links for the videos shown in the assembly.

Scotland’s Litter Problem – Bing video

Climate crisis – stop littering! – YouTube

A lesson on littering to inspire environmental stewardship for children – SmartKids – YouTube