Parent Interview Guide

Parents Meetings 

Our Parents meetings this term are held by video meeting on Tuesday 16th November 6-9pm and Wednesday 17th November 3.15pm to 6pm.   

The booking system will close at 9am on Friday 12th November and we have 90% bookings made across the school.  If you have not made an appointment, please contact the school office  

Important information: 

  • Participants must have a web cam and microphone, and can test these at any time in advance of the video meeting (tablets and smart phones automatically have these facilities) 


  • On the day of the parents’ evening, login to Parents Booking just like before. This time there will be a “join Video Meetings” button if you are within 15mins of your first appointment, which you need to click, to join your video meetings. (Please be ready before your appointment time as the videos start automatically at the time that has been pre-booked) 


  • The meetings will last 10 minutes and a countdown clock will show the time remaining 


  • If you are late to your appointment this will reduce the appointment time you have available 


  • Whilst making your booking you were given the option to share this with other parents – if you missed this you can log back in now and on Parent Dashboard find your booking (they will be green).  Press ‘Modify’ and you can edit your selection to tick box if you want to allow other parents/carers to join your video appointments.  

This video training will assist you with further information: