It’s Nearly Christmas!!
Thank you to everyone who came to our Christmas Concert – HEY EWE ! We had great fun making our fluffy ears and our favourite song with actions was Hey Ewe about the runaway sheep .We hope you enjoyed it too .We thought the hiccuping incident was funny .
This week we had our first Baking Lesson . We made Salt Dough which we turned into Christmas Decorations. We learned what utensils were and also ingredients .We loved mixing,using our hands to make the dough ball and shaping them into our decorations. Mr Fiddes helped us decorate with all types and colours of paint some of which had sparkles in them .You will see all our hard work when we take them home .
A BIG thankyou to Kathy our gymnastics coach for teaching us over the term . We have learned how to do head stands and hand stands,backward rolls,teddy bear rolls,warm-up games,cart wheels,forward rolls and how to balance on a bench( to name a few) .Most of all we had FUN .
There was lots of noise one lunchtime this week when we all pulled our Christmas Crackers and listened to Christmas music while we ate our traditional Christmas meal .The best bit was our ice cream – vanilla and strawberry – yum yum .