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Reflection Time


Yesterday, P5 and P6 went to visit the theatre to learn more about opera from the performers of HMT’s current production on stage ‘The Pirates of Penzance’. The pupils found it very informative and I think some of the pupils’ conceptions of opera were challenged!

Today, we worked with P6 to reflect on our experience and discussed what we thought before, during and after the performance to see if our thoughts/opinions had changed.

All of our reflections are in this week’s learning portfolio so please make sure you read it.

Note to parents
There’s also homework for parents too this week. Discuss your child’s theatre experience and reflections with them. Think about your favourite production or performance you’ve experienced and tell us about it. Note it in the learning portfolio and explain your answer.

The most interesting answer will win 3 house points for your child!

Miss. Bowie