Latest News

End of term

Hazlehead Nursery Information

The last week of term is going to be a busy one for everyone at Hazlehead Nursery. To keep you informed of all our plans, here is some information for you.

 Monday 1st July – Nursery Graduation. Come to the main entrance for 10am.

 Tuesday 2nd July – We are going to HazleheadPark with our P6 Buddies. Parent helpers needed. Please speak to staff if you can come with us.

 Wednesday 3rd July – Wheels on Wednesday. Come to nursery on your scooter or bike. Don’t forget to wear a helmet.

 Thursday 4th July – We are having a party! Come dressed in your shorts and shades!

 Friday 5th July – Church Service

 The Nursery Team would like to wish you all a wonderful holiday.