Greta Thunberg and Climate Change
Greta Thunberg and Climate Change
Greta Thunberg has caught international attention for her call to action to fight climate change. What we are currently doing and talking about is not enough. If we want a safe world for our children and grandchildren not affected by extreme weather or permanently damaged ecosystems then we must do more now. The TED talk by Greta tells you more about why this issue matters so much to her, it is ten minutes long and explains in a clear and concise way why she is doing what she is doing. The Nature Now film is three minutes long and explains the current situation concisely but also gives us a specific set of actions we can all do now. Please feel free to watch the videos and if appropriate to share them with your children to spark a conversation, not just about climate change and what we can do to protect all living creatures on our planet, but also how everyone, even children have a voice that will be listened to. We all have the power to inspire change.
Nature Now –