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Curling is Cool say Primary 6

Primary 6 had the amazing opportunity to use the world class sporting arena that we can walk to from school – Curl Aberdeen.

They have had a brilliant time curling – and the coaches have been superb.  They learned about how the ice is made, and how to deliver a stone.  Parents can be thrilled that all the P6s have been taught how to correctly sweep..!

Did you know a curling stone weighs 22kg and the the ones they played with are exactly the same as the ones Eve Muirhead uses in the Olympics!

They really concentrated on our school values – P6 took the Opportunity to take part in curling, they showed Courage by doing something we had never done before, and if they fell they got up again. They were Respectful to the coaches, Responsible in the journey to and from and with all the equipment, and very Fair when taking turns and listening.

Well Done P6

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