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Incredible Work This Week

Even Syndrome can’t keep us down – the pupils at Hazlehead continue to be INCREDIBLE


P1S- Amber Watson- For a superb story map of MR Wiggle and Mr Waggle. P5M-Yiosa Aigbekaen -For excellent letter writing.
P1P- Eliot Tillman -For excellent story telling of Mr Wiggle and Mr Waggle. P5B-Leo Gaunt-For excellent IDL work in the messy garden. Leo was able to confidently name the 5 key parts of a plane leading his team to be able to  make a model of it using natural resources. He showed responsibility to lead his team effectively, and came up with some creative ideas of how to demonstrate his learning.
P1/2 -Nicholas Smith for sounding out and writing his words independently. P6-Chloe Appleyard for excellent work in Numeracy.
P2 -This week I would like to nominate Lewis Hamill for incredible work. We have been thinking about things that make us different and things that we are good at. He came up with some great ideas and was able to draw pictures to show them. P6/7-Rosheh-Motsghi-Tabari For working Impressively with angles. She managed to complete some problem solving challenges involving angles and triangle and composite angles.
P3C/H- Calvin Munro-For creative painting. P7- Brooke Harris –For writing emotive poetry.
P3M-Harris Davie-For writing excellent instructions.  
P4T-Peyton Powrie for illustrating her learning about Palm Oil.  
P4W-Andrew Halliday -Excellent effort with writing about Rosa Parks.