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Out Of School Care Survey

Out of School Care Survey – Parents and Carers

Aberdeen City Council is carrying out a survey with parents and carers on out of school care in the city.

Part 8 of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Act 2014 requires Local Authorities to consult regularly with parents about the provision of day care. We last consulted in 2018. We are particularly interested to find out about the impact of Covid-19 on the use of Out of School Care services and we are keen to hear from those families who use Out of School Care services as well as those who do not.

We would be very grateful if parents and carers could complete the survey, which should take no longer than 5-10 minutes. It can be completed online using the link below:

All answers are confidential and anonymous. The information will be used by Aberdeen City Council to inform the ongoing development and delivery of out of school care services locally and will inform future policy.

Please note, this communication will be sent via Schools, Parent Councils and Out of School Care providers for circulation to parents and carers. So apologies if you receive this more than once. We are trying to ensure it gets circulated widely but you need only complete the survey once.

The closing date for completing the survey is Friday 18th June 2021.