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Alpaca Of The Week

The Chair of Pet Of The Week and her family were off Alpaca Trekking at the long weekend…now unfortunately the Alpacas we met don’t qualify to be entered into Pet Of The Week as they don’t sleep in the house (or are a horse)…

However it was decided that the Alpacas are just TOO GORGEOUS not to share with you all, so as a one off we will do an online vote for Alpaca of the Week – we’ll ensure the certificate is posted down to where the Alpacas live…

Some information about the Alpacas

Bear is 2 years old and has lived at the Alpca Trekking Centre all his life – you can hire Bear to attend your wedding or birthday party.  He went to hospital with his friend Buzz when Buzz was having an operation so Buzz wasn’t lonely.

Hugo is 9 years old and was the first baby born at the Alpaca Trekking Centre.  Hugo HAS to be at the front of the trek – if he isn’t there he will throw a spectacular Alpaca Tantrum…!

D’Artagnon is 3 years old and named after D’Artagnon from The 3 Muskateers – He does NOT like long grass and far prefers grass that is short and juicy.

Fernando is 3 years old – in Alpaca terms that means he is a teenage boy.  As with most teenage boys  as long as he is kept well fed and complimented, he’s a good Alpaca

Voting for Alpaca of the week closes at the end of the week…!!!

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