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Ski Team Glenshee Competition

Our Ski Team had a fabulous day competing in the Scottish Schools Skiing Association competition at Glenshee yesterday.

Our Ski Team Manager,

Mrs Leonard, has filed the following report –

It was a tale of two halves! In the morning it was beautiful sunny skies whilst we enjoyed the resort and finding the ski legs.
After lunch when the course was reset for our group the clouds descended and it was a pea Souper.
Having started with four team members we ended up just the youngest two boys racing the course. In a time that was double what the kids did in the morning – so strong was the wind it was blowing them to a standstill downhill!!!! Lots of resilience and strength of character shown by Emmy, Hugo and Drummond given the conditions. Hugo came 2nd and Drummond 3rd in their age group for their individual time, but we didn’t qualify for a team entry.
It was a wild day out but the children really did us and the school proud.
Thank you very much for your support in letting them compete. No more ski races now until next year – which I’ve been told they all want to do again!

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