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Pet Of The Year – Pet Profiles And Voting Is Open

Its that time of year again….!!!  Pet of the Year…

We have profiles for our 4 contenders

Term 1 – Gus

Name: Augustus Gloop Crowther (Gus)

Age: 3

Toy: Fake eyeball ball
Snack: Cheese Puff Dust
Hobbies: Chasing flies
Hopes&Dreams: For Indie to stop pulling his tail and sitting on him.
If I was Hazlehead School Pet Of The Year I would… introduce an actual Cat Walk into the school calendar. No dogs allowed!

My favourite human is Mr Crowther because I know he won’t disown me even when I jump on his head in the middle of the night.

Term 2 – Willow

Pet’s Full Name – Willow Burnett

Pet’s Age – She’s now 9 & half monthsAny Favourite Toy? – Squeaky fluffy sheepFavourite Snack? – Rabbit ears Any Hobbies? – Chewing mummy’s fancy floor light cables!! And humans feetHopes and Dreams For The Upcoming Year – To train & understand agility to compete once old enough If I was Hazlehead Pet Of The Year I would… – Be absolutely delighted!!!!!My favourite Human is – Chloe (& Sadie obviously!!!)Because They – Play with me & give ace cuddles & kisses!!!

Term 3 – Cleo

Pet’s Full Name – Cleo Paws
Pet’s Age – I’m about 5 years old. I was a stray before I found my family, 4 years ago in Pearland, Texas.
Any Favourite Toy? – I love anything with feathers and catnip.
Favourite Snack? – Tuna, definitely tuna. I can hear a tin open from a mile away, delicious!
Any Hobbies? – In Texas, I would chase down the local geckos but in Aberdeen I’m happiest making new friends and sleeping.
Hopes and Dreams For The Upcoming Year – I hope to finally move into our house and prowl some new streets, making new friends along the way.
If I was Hazlehead Pet Of The Year I would… – feel very special. A year ago I left Texas in a crate  bound for Aberdeen and here I am, a year later, nominee for Pet of the Year, not bad for a wee scrawny stray.
My favourite Human’s are – Alfie and Elliott,
Because They – are pretty special kids and the main reason I chose to stay with them. (Although their Daddy is pretty great too because he feeds me and gets up to let me out really early in the morning!!)

Term 4 – Treacle

Full name ~ Treacle Ronnie

Age ~ 9

Favourite toy ~ A tennis ball

Favourite snack ~ Carrots

Hobby ~ Cuddling!

My hopes and dreams for the upcoming year ~ To have more laps to sit on and to be able to go on holiday

If I won pet of the year I would ~ Kiss everyone that voted for me!

Favourite humans ~ Peter, Victoria and Chloe because they let me sleep under the covers with them


Now, Cast your votes below…!!!

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