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P5 Homework – 14 May 2015

Literacy – spelling words with outlined activity. Many of the children aren’t getting full marks in their spelling test. If possible could parents please practise the words with their children throughout the week.

The children have new AR reading targets set for this term. It would be good if they could do 30 minutes of personal reading a day.

Numeracy – the pupil’s math teacher will set them weekly homework. Otherwise it’s pick two of the multiplication and division activities to do per week. The children still have the chance to play games on Manga High and Skoolbo.

Topic – The children have been learning about wind power. They made anemometers (to measure wind speed) and windmills. I would like them to design a windmill of the future. The more creative the better. They can draw and label their design or they can make a model if they prefer. For inspiration, google ‘futuristic windmill designs’.